Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Matu otsustas minuga inglisekeeles rääkida msnis lambist.

Paks says:
 A girl came up to me in a bar - short skirt, tits like ripe fruit, hair in a pony tail.
"What would you say if I told you I was wearing no underwear?" she breathed.
"I'd say 'neither am I'."
She raised her eyebrows. "Really? I'm wearing none because it gives men like you..." she licked her lips, "easy access..."
"Oh?" I replied. "I've got none on because I shat myself in the gents."

Friday, June 3, 2011


Those first two guys who thought Superman was a bird or a plane...?
What the fuck were they so excited about?
Me, Matu and four of my mates all went to a brothel and all threw fifty euros each into a pot, the winner was whoever could go the longest without cumming.

Matu came in a respectable second, which put him in last place.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Matu läks haige seljaga arsti juurde.
Arst küsis kuidas tal selg haigeks jäi?
Matu vastas "tegin doggy-style"
Arst "äkki proovite misjonäri?"
Matu "proovisin aga koer lakkus koguaeg mu nägu"

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

tripp jaapanis

Käisime Matuga Jaapanis ükskord. Kuna Matul nende neidudega on nagu ta on, võttis ta sealt ühe tasulise omale kellega ta öö läbi tegutses. Naine kisas "Fujifoo, Fugifoo!!!" terve öö läbi ja Matu võttis seda kui kiitust. Järgmisel päeval kui me golfi läksime mängima Barutoga lõi Matu (lucker nagu ikka) esimese löögiga Hole-In-One. Kuna ta tahtis Barutole muljet avaldada siis ütles ta "Fujifoo". Baruto oli segaduses ja vastas "Ei Matu, sa lõid õigesse auku."

Seal tehti veel sellist nalja, et kui Matu oleks Jaapanlane, siis oleks ta nimi Phuk Yung.

Monday, May 30, 2011

mõned asjad mis mind naerma ajasid

So what if a sexy woman has a husband.
If every hole is a goal, then every goal has a goalie.
Doesn't mean you cant score.

Jay-Z, the gamer version. I got 99 goblins but an orc ate one.